• Enjoying the new app so far, however my only criticism is that when you input your data, it automatically fills the other options (eg if you fill in the steps it auto fills your miles and KM) my issue is that I like to enter the steps and miles separately as to what my fitness app says and what is on my evidence photo that I upload. Is there any way to turn off the autofill @MedalMad ?

      Anelson, catherineh and 2 others
      • Sorry no its not something that can be turned off. Not 100% sure of why it would need to be. The system works on KMs so whatever you enter is turned into KMs. So even if its not shown the same calculation it would happen in the background and same result. Also by showing the other options filled it stops someone trying to add different options in one submission which would not work.

        • Okay so which do I use then? My workout app tells me in steps and miles – depending on which one I use will depend on how many KM it inputs – if I go by steps, the miles are incorrect and too high, and doesn’t match my submission photo, and if I go by miles, the steps are lower and also don’t match the submission. And how do I know which KM is right when I don’t have that information from my workout app? It worked perfectly fine on the old app I could enter the data exactly from my app and everything matched – you didn’t even need to put in the KM. not all apps work/use KM, especially when doing a MILE challenge. Appreciate the change over has been a huge undertaking for you all and must be frustrating with constant comments about your hard work – just honest feedback from someone who has thoroughly enjoyed using the previous app ❤️ x

          • Hi, the old app did the same it also autofilled and would have used which ever input you did last. I would use miles as that is a set distance. Steps will vary as your steps are different to someone elses, so to make it match you would have to add a step size/ stride length to the calculation bespoke to each user to make it work . Our steps are based on average and for those that dont have either km or miles. Or have a daily step count.

            • Okay thank you. With the old app it only auto filled the KM, you could manually put in the miles AND steps and they would stay as what you put. (It did that for every entry I put in on all 5 of the medals I completed on it before the change over) xx

              • I too have queried the Km aspect as the medals are in miles yet it converts to km which differs depending on input and is not what you are working towards ie a 50 mile medal etc. hoping it all adds up correctly I’m sure it will!