• Profile photo of neil

      neil posted an update

      5 months ago

      Looking at getting a couple of the kids challenges for my boys.

      How do they work?

      does the challenge just appear on the app then they need to take my phone when out running?



      catherineh, becci99 and 5 others
      • If you have a step counter or app that tracks the walk use that. Then screen shot it as evidence for the challenge

        • Yeah, was wondering if it was an interactive map through the challenge for them todo or is it just evidence for the medal like you say ?

          • My boys have done the jurassic 5km and the lion King type one and neither (at the time) where interactive as such so my eldest used his phone screenshot and that was his evidence and my youngest went out with me and we screenshot and used it as his evidence

            • Ok brilliant, thank you 👍