• Profile photo of walktilyoudrop

      walktilyoudrop posted an update

      5 weeks ago (edited)

      Encouragement request! Let’s try this again. I believe in transparency. This right here. This is how I’ve been feeling lately. My doctor and I have suspicions that the “bursitis” I’ve been experiencing in my hips alongside my fibromyalgia may not be bursitis. It got to the point that it was tender to the touch so I was prescribed a round of steroids to get the pain under control long enough to have an mri done. The meds were a miracle for pain relief but it coincided with my monthly cycle leading to bouts of sleeplessness, nausea and headaches. Worst of all though, I’ve begun experiencing shortness of breath. It’s like I’m in a fog and the air is too thick to be fulfilling. At times my brain feels like it’s suffocating. I’m just exhausted all the time. Unclear at this point if it’s anxiety related and needing a meds adjustment. I have an appt with my doctor this morning and my mri this afternoon to hopefully get answers. But ya’ll I need some encouragement.  At the same time, I’m still out here. I’m still doing it. I haven’t given up but I could use some extra encouragement. Hit me with it.

      netta-noo, Joey-H and 8 others
      • You got this ! Some movement is better than no movement !

        • It’s great that you still do something. Good luck.

          • You’re still doing way more than the people just sitting on the sofa. Every step counts. Hang in there, you’ve got this! 💪

            • You got this, the sheer fact that you are here proves that! I hope you get something positive from your appointment and just remember, the smallest step is still a step in the right direction x

              • You’re doing great and you’ve got this! 💪🏻 Despite any discomfort or pain, you haven’t given up and you’re still going. Well done! That’s something to be proud of! I hope the appts went well. Keep going!

                • As someone recovering from being bedbound, any movement is good. Yes, you will have good days and bad days. Don’t beat yourself up for bad days.